.. include:: ../README.rst Configuration ============= ================================= ============================================= Option Description ================================= ============================================= :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN` Set the domain of cookie. Default to :code:`None` :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` Set the :code:`HttpOnly` flag of the session cookie. Default to :code:`True` :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_MAX_AGE` How long the session cookie should be valid, in seconds. Default is :code:`86400`, roughly one day. :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_NAME` The name of cookie that stores the session. Default is :code:`_session` :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_SALT` The salt used in addition to the secret key to sign the session cookie. Can be used as namespace. Default to :code:`cookie-session` :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY` The secret key used to sign the session cookie, if this is not set, :code:`SECRET_KEY` will be used instead. :code:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` Set the :code:`Secure` flag of the session cookie. Default to :code:`True`. :code:`SESSION_NAME` The name of session object in request. Default is :code:`session` ================================= ============================================= API === .. automodule:: sanic_cookiesession :members: Full Example ============ .. literalinclude:: ../examples/counter.py Changelog ========= - 0.3.1 New release for latest Sanic (currently 23.6) - 0.2.0 API changed: changed setup function's name - 0.1.0 First public release. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`